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Showing posts from October, 2018


Faith... Hello everyone, I don't know about everyone else but this week I am TIRED. I just keep thinking of sleeping and binge watching my favorite Netflix show all while knowing there are things that need to be done. I had to encourage myself everyday this week to push through so I hope this blog post motivates you to do the same.  There are some days in my life where I say forget school, work, and my personal life.  I get to a point where adulting starts to overwhelm and frustrate me. These are the days where my energy tank is extremely low. As women I feel we have this thing called "The Superwoman Syndrome". This is when we have so much going on that we feel the pressure of making sure everything is perfect and we have to be in control at all times. I know my whole life I've had this syndrome and there was no break for me, I just wanted to keep going and going. In my head, I have to be the best of the best and if I'm not then I have failed mys...