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Showing posts from February, 2019

20 Somethings....

20 Somethings... "Good luck on them 20 somethings, But God Bless these 20 somethings" -SZA Hello everyone, it has truly been a long time since I wrote a blog post but that is because so much has transpired in my life. I had to refocus and get my life together completely, but with this blog post I am going to do something different. I'm going to be vulnerable and speak about my current feelings and emotions. I want you all to know what I learned these last three months from everything that has transpired in my life. Also, be sure to comment below and give me feedback about what you've read! This blog is a safe space for all women and men to be exactly who you are, let's talk and discuss our feelings together!  November 2018 was when everything began to go down hill. I was having extreme suicidal thoughts every day and attempted to kill myself  twice. I just wanted to finally be done with this thing called life. My emotions were all over the pla...