"Loving yourself is the most fulfilling, and beautiful love that life has to offer.
-Reyna Biddy
Sometimes transition is needed in life in order to grow. The month of March brought me a lot of reflection, spiritual growth, transparency, and positivity. In March I took a look in the mirror and faced all the good and bad about myself. The goal for me is to always have a pure, kind, and loving heart in any circumstance, but the truth is I am far from perfect and there are so many things that I need to work on. I have been focused on my energy and the energy of others. I have learned to remove anyone out my life that gives off bad energy. I decided to be selfish for once and take care of myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. There has been dead weight lifted off of me by learning to move on from my past.
I feel like a woman who is unclothed and free of everything holding me down. I am not drowning anymore but instead above water floating looking up at the blue sky grateful and thankful to God for everything. There is peace spreading into my veins and heart slowly but surly. The peace, love, and positivity that fills my heart feels everlasting. For once I feel amazing and beautiful. There is a seed (inner child) in me that is now growing and being nurtured day by day even on the days that are hard. My goal is to continue nurturing and caring for that seed, we all have a seed that is ready to grow inside of us.
I want all of you to work on your inner self, reflect, see where your heart, mind, and soul is. Know that what is inside of you reflects on the outside of you and understand that pretty can fade but real beauty is what is on the inside. Tap into your inner child or seed and nurture it, water it with love, kindness, positive words of affirmation, and fill it with peace. Meditate, pray, do yoga, this can help you be still and tune into yourself. Surround yourself with positive energy, if it is not positive let it go. Be kind to others, spread love, compassion, and encourage others, even if someone is being rude or mean never stoop to their level always rise above. You are better than the negativity and more precious than that realize your worth. Look in the mirror and speak positivity over yourself, take a day for yourself or a hour. Believe there is always room for growth and that we go through many transitions but no matter the transition always have self-dignity, respect, grace, and most of all LOVE.
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