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Showing posts from September, 2018

Secrets Unveiled....

Secrets Unveiled  "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering." -Mark 5:34 As women and men we have secrets that lie deep within us. I know for me I had secrets about myself that I didn’t want anyone to know; this all started out as a kid. Just like the pictures, I was young, innocent, care free, loving, bold, and brave. The best part about being a kid was my freedom, innocence, and curiosity. Then life just happened..... life happened early to me when I was sexually abused as a young child and I didn’t feel so innocent anymore, I had that feeling of guilt, fear, and not knowing if I should tell or not. I was that little girl who kept this secret until I was 18 years old. This experience taught me how to keep other secrets like the physical and mental abuse in my relationships. I learned how to not use my voice, stay in my little corner, cover things up, and block things out. I learned how to not face my own realities.   ...


Growth Hello everyone, I first want to start off by saying Thank you for all of the support. I have to give a special shout out to all of my friends and family, without y'all I wouldn't even be right here writing my first blog post sharing my story in hopes to inspire other young women. March 24, 2018,  was when this picture was taken, I remember this day clearly, I remember that week clearly, that month and many months before and after this picture. My sophomore year of college at Hampton University. I choose this picture specifically because I was fed up, depressed, crying everyday, driving up and down the road every weekend from Hampton to Maryland, felt so ugly, worthless, stayed in bed all day, barely went to class, failed to get into the nursing program, I was officially drained, this day this week I was contemplating on committing suicide; I was ready to give up.  God, my family, and best friends were the only reason I was able to hold on by a thread...
Welcome, call me shi....  This blog will show you my world as a 20 year old college student who is a young woman trying to figure it all out.  I am here to show other young women they are not alone and we are all in this together.  So lets talk about love, happiness, relationships, school, work and BEING A WOMAN.  Let's dig deep in our souls and follow the path God has for us.  Let's dig deep on God, self-care, self-love, growth, mistakes, and heartbreak .  Let's be raw.  That's what I want to do inspire, spread love, share my story and stories to come....  LET'S GET STARTED.... - SHI :)